SGS|AUB Vienna 2019

SGS|AUB Course in Advanced Gynecologic Surgery 

Date: October 10-11, 2019
Place: KURSALON, Johannesgasse 33, 1010 Vienna, Austria


Two Days
EUR 550,– incl. VAT.

One Day EUR 275,– incl. VAT.
The day ticket is available directly at the event. Only cash payment possible.


3D Pelvic Anatomy | Laparoscopic Anatomy of the Pelvis | Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain | Laparoscopic Hysterectomy | The Difficult Laparoscopic Hysterectomy | Vaginal Hysterectomy | The Difficult Vaginal Hysterectomy | Obstetric Hysterectomy | Laparoscopic Myomectomy | Complications | Innovation in Gynecologic Surgery | Medicolegal | Postpartum Injuries | Nonsurgical Options for Atrophy and Incontinence | Native Tissue Repairs for Prolapse | Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy | Update Female Sexual Health | Videos | Transvaginal Mesh in 2019: the U.S. Perspective | Transvaginal Mesh in 2019: the European Perspective | Perioperative Management | Energy in the OR | ERAS | Why We Need to Take Out the Tubes | Ultrasound Update | Urogenital Fistulae | Taking Care of the Surgeon | Complex Abdominal Surgery | Training the Gynecologic Surgeon | Complications in Laparoscopic Surgery


For the first time the highly successful Advanced Gynecologic Surgery Course developed by the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons in the United States is being put on in Europe. The course offers two full days of interactive sessions with prominent international faculty. The focus is on advanced gynecologic surgery for benign conditions. There will be detailed presentations on pelvic anatomy (by John DeLancey), benign hysterectomies, endometriosis and pelvic pain, complications, and obstetric emergencies.

The faculty consists of outstanding gynecologic surgeons from the U.S. and Europe.

The program will offer adequate time for interaction with the faculty in the sessions and in the breaks and the evening.
Vienna, a city with a rich history in Obstetrics and Gynecology (think Semmelweis, Schauta Wertheim, Halban, Tandler), is conveniently reached from all points in Europe and the Middle East. The hotels are in walking distance of the venue, which is in the center of town.

Who should attend?

The course is directed toward an international audience of gynecologists and obstetricians who wish to expand their knowledge base in benign gynecologic surgery.

Faculty (preliminary)

Aigmueller | Bader | Betschart | Casarin | DeLancey | Gebhart | Geiss | Huebner | Huemer | Husslein | Koelbl | Kropshofer | Peschers | Preyer | Roovers | Schaer | Strohbehn | Svabik | Tammaa | Tamussino | Trutnovsky | Tunn | Ulrich | Umek

Things to Do in Vienna

Sightseeing and other Options

Congress Management

Frau Mag. Ulrike Strobl
Donauwörther Straße 12/1, 2380 Perchtoldsdorf
T: +43 1 869 21 23-518
F: +43 1 869 21 23-510